Sunday, 18 November 2012

The Biggest Lemon

The Biggest Lemon

I went to the grocery the other day to pick up a few things, and among those things I needed were 2 lemons. I remember while I was in the produce section that there were only as small number of lemons left to choose from. Now amongst those few lemons one of them was ginormous compared to the others. And I thought to myself why hasn’t anyone taken this huge lemon? Then my next thought was, something must be wrong with it. But then just an exercise I thought I would buy it along with another one just to see if it was fine. So anyways, I just took that lemon out of my fridge to cut a slice to add to a glass of water. As I cut into the lemon there was this anticipation of what it was going to be like inside. Was I going to be proven a fool by finding out that half of it was rotten or was it just fine like all of the others? Lo and behold…drum roll please…it was fine. Just like the rest of them. And you know, when I chose it, there was also that thought of disdain for the person who takes the biggest one or the best one. Why is that? Like there’s something wrong with having the best and expecting the best for yourself. But as I mentioned I sliced in and found out that it’s perfectly fine. I also found out that what made the lemon so big was that the skin was extra thick. So there was another lesson for me, sometimes you’re just gonna have to have a thick skin when you follow your heart and intuitions and trust that whatever will be will be. So thank you everyone for not buying this ginormous lemon so I could learn this valuable life lesson. 

To you and your lemons in the produce section.